Not too long ago, I received an email from Games Workshop (via the general mailing list) saying, “Get these codices while you can,” because a new edition was about to come out. Get these expiring and about to be useless $50 books before we take them off the shelves because they won’t be valid anymore.
I thought, “You sons-a-bitches.”
I wanted to fax them a picture of my middle finger. Or my pale, hairy ass.
The cycle of new 40K editions over the last several years has come across to me (and others) as greedy ways to boost short-term sales. Kind of like all those terribly pricy text books you had to buy in college. “We changed 3 things and rearranged some tables, come buy all our books all over again.”
So when the new rumors went to flying, I was naturally skeptical. Very skeptical.
I’ve been stationed in Japan for nearly 3 years now and in that time have only played once. So I wasn’t too worried about a new edition. Haven’t been playing, and now not planning on playing. Screw those greedy corporate bastards.
But then I started actually reading the rumors and leaks. That this edition wasn’t just bolting on a few new rules to the clunky old machine, haphazardly spraying on an uneven coat of paint, and charging $200 for a new go.
This was “the edition you asked for.”
No, really.
So between getting actual gamer feedback and simplifying the rules to look more like their well-received Age Of Sigmar redesign of WH Fantasy, the game was starting to sound pretty good. (I was also skeptical of the Age of Sigmar reboot of WH Fantasy, btw, though I was never a huge fan of the Fantasy system anyway: even more complex than 40,000 Rules and seemed to require a calculator to even play the game!)
If they could thin 40,000 Rules down to 8 to 12 pages, that was an amazing revelation to me. I was now interested. And the more I saw, despite my own hardened pessimism, the more I liked the way it was looking.
Within a week, I was actually excited.

Getting the books themselves, then, proved to be a worthy quest. (Relatively speaking.)
I had to find locales in Japan, and books in English. There are 3 or 4 GW stores in Tokyo, but that’s a ways to go for me. In my store search, I also got a few other pings for non-GW stores, one much closer to my base. Long story short, I ended up journeying to a city I’d never been to before, in a foreign land, using a paper map as a guide (I’m not into the whole cellphone omniscience thing). I’d called the day before and spoken to a woman who kind of spoke English and reserved me some books. Namely, the Rule Book, the Marines Index, Eldar Index, and Chaos Index. A hefty, blind purchase. But I figured that I hadn’t spent any hobby money for a long time, so why not?
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the new datasheets were being combined into affordable softbacks with multiple related armies all in one book. Given the easy of access, I figured I had to buy those books. With three affordable tomes, I had all colors of Space Marines, Eldar, and Chaos Marines and demons all covered, plus Necrons for good measure. Easy peasy.
But I ended up paying more than the listed market price for everything. I don’t know if the markup was simply because we are in Japan or if my shop owners charged a little more, but I honestly didn’t mind.
This was a very small little hobby shop owned and operated by a very nice elderly couple. The husband didn’t speak English and the wife just barely enough. The shop was more about model airplanes and trains and modeling supplies than it was a gaming shop, though they did have a rather impressive selection of Warhammer stuff, as well as a rack full of Citadel paints. There were a couple small displays of painted models too, most of which had been painted by the owner. His wife bragged that he was a beginner, but, damn, did they look nice! Way nicer than my meager, atrophied painting skills could manage, and I made sure he knew as much.
I spent about half an hour on the trains getting there, and a little more time walking the streets, so I took my time to check out all the nice toys on their shelves. Saw some cool new stuff I wouldn’t mind having (like the 30K style termie models), but I’m not in a hurry to buy more. Not using all the stuff I have now. When it came time to pay, I found out they only took cash. Darn it. So then it was a quest to find an ATM that would take my American card. The two bigger banks with whole lobbies full of ATM machines didn’t work. It looked grim, my long quest cross country for naught. Then I found a little booth with a single machine and that one worked out.
So my mighty quest was a success. I might have paid a bit more, but it went to the mom and pop shop of a really nice elderly couple, so money well spent. In fact, the venerable Papa-san rounded down the total price for me, threw in a couple of (no doubt expensive) Citadel-brand paint brushes (after I told him about my waning painting skills), and a few odd sprues to boot! I didn’t even find out about the sprues until I got home and opened up the tiny plastic bonus bag. Three marines and one of the cool Age of Sigmar space marine wannabe guys with a hammer and shield. (Which I think could make cool special space marine units too—especially the winged guys for angelic vanguard vets.)
So there’s my long-winded story about how I fell back into love (obsession) with the new 40K and made the perilous journey of a lifetime to score the new books on opening day in a strange land.
I’m sure I’ll be blogging further about my impressions as I get into the books. I’m actually about to take 2 weeks of leave to relax with the family and supposedly to get some writing projects done. So much for all that… I’m sure this new distraction will impede those lines of progress. But at least I’ll enjoy being delayed!
As I get acquainted with the new rules and datasheets, I'll be posting about my impressions. So, more to come…
On my new blog site, that is. Click here to go there (or just remove the "blogspot" from this URL). This may well be the last post that goes to this blog site. Please find my newest exploits at my new wesbite: BrinksChaosTheory.com